Free TOT course!
The Youth for Education and Society Association in organizing a free course for the occupation of TRAINER, COR code 242401, ANC authorized (The National Authority for Qualifications) for 25 young people with the maximum age of 35 years, that have graduated from higher education and are enrolled in a masters program.
The classes will take place in Bucharest from the 8th until the 12th of February 2017, as follows:
08 - 12 of February 2017: Course development (theory and practice), from 10 am to 6 pm (compulsory attendance throughout the course);
12th of February 2017: ANC certification exam, 6 pm.
Enrollment requirements:
Those interested will send a letter of intent in which they will motivate the desire to participate in the training session.
ATTENTION! Avoid using standard letters of intent or those downloaded from the Internet.
Entries can be made until February 5th 2017, 6 pm.